Starting 2019 with a bang!

Alon Muroch
4 min readFeb 5, 2019

It’s an exciting time at Blox, 2019 is full of hopes and we would like to kick it off with a big product release and some announcements. Actually 10 of them.

  1. Blox and Blox Business products are now a unified single product, aimed at crypto professionals, businesses and enterprises. For the past few months, significant parts of the product were only available to our Business users. It all changes now.
    The evolution of the (business) product began with a simple request (from our partner), to build a solution for tracking and management on a corporate level, a solution that could be scaled and dynamic enough to support growing needs. Despite not having anything to offer, we took on the challenge.
    What started with a set of custom tools and features, quickly spun off into a different, fully functional product, serving many leading companies in the space.
    As of a few hours ago, we’ve uploaded new versions for our iOS, Android and web apps which combine features from both Blox and Blox Business. The goal is creating a unified platform aimed for crypto professionals, companies and individuals. This will open features which were, up until now, available only for our Business users. Visit Blox products page for more information.
    What are crypto professionals? Individuals/ companies that manage and engage with crypto assets on a daily basis. The more wallets/ exchanges/ transactions you have the bigger the value Blox will give you.
  2. Exciting new features! As of today, ALL users can enjoy a set of (powerful) precise and professional features and tools, including:
    * Bookkeeping tools — Classification, attachments, full documentation.
    * Shared workspace — Invite other users to join your (blox) project.
    * Alerts — customizable email alert system for any significant movement, transfer or change in any of your portfolios or balances.
    * End-of-day portfolio snapshots — Automatic EOD snapshots for all portfolios, assets, and accounts.
    * Data export — CSV data export of all (your) transactions, assets and portfolios. (Available only in Business, Enterprise & Custom tiers)
  3. Focusing also means deciding what not to do. We’ve experimented with building a variety of features and came to the conclusion that as ‘cool’ and fun as they may be, the value the user extracts is inconsistent and frankly, not worthwhile. Social trading features in such a volatile market might generate a meaningful upside for users, however, it might also expose them to unnecessary market risks and a huge downside.
  4. Blox has a new website! Our company and product have matured, now, so is the blox website. We’re redesigned, rewrote and refreshed the content, creatives, and offering. Make sure to visit our new website and let us know what you think.
  5. Blox Plans & Pricing are now available. As Blox advances to become a more professional product, we’re introducing detailed service tiers for professionals, companies, and corporations. We offer four types of subscription-based tiers for you to choose from, tailored to fit your specific needs. You can check our plans & pricing page for more information.
  6. Limited time promotion! Most of you will fall under our new Pro tier, and to show our appreciation to our supporting users we decided to give a limited 6 months promotion with free 5000 Tx storage space until August 1st.
  7. CDT — An integral part of Blox eco-system. CDT, up until now, was used as a discount mechanism for a quarterly subscription to Blox (Business). we’ve shifted towards a staking model for CDT to get a perpetual discount (as long as you stake). This is a more efficient and easy way to get the full benefits of the Blox platform and cut subscription costs by up to 75%!! For more details please visit our CDT page.
  8. Blox business clients take center stage. In the next weeks and months, we will be making public some of the great companies that use Blox on a daily basis. Those companies are market leaders and include — post-ICO companies, product companies, OTC desks, algo-trading companies and more.
  9. Case studies & Blox platform education articles about how our platform is being utilized by crypto professionals around the world will be released in the upcoming weeks and months. For more information about the platform visit our new support center & knowledge base.
  10. Our future. Blox is constantly upgrading its services & products. We also keep reflecting about how we can make a real impact in the blockchain space, and make our entire industry more secure, approachable, useful. Our goal to build the future infrastructure which is much needed in our industry. We will showcase our steps and make sure our clients, community, and supporters are up to date with our project. Make sure to follow any of our social channels to stay updated!

2019 is gonna be a great year!

